Important Notice

AgentOps SDK Versions v0.0.x have entered maintenance mode only, but there is no EOL at this time. Bug fixes will be prioritized, but new features will be implemented in v0.1 only. v0.0.x will not be cross compatible with v0.1. Agent runs using v0.0.x will live here at while runs using v0.1 will live at

If you are using AgentOps SDK Versions v0.0.x and want to transition your data to v0.1, please contact us.

Welcome to the AgentOps Legacy!

Build your next agent with evals, observability, and replays

Getting Started

Getting an API Key

1. Start by signing in/making a new account

2. Navigate to the Account Page

3. Generate an API Key!

Integrating the AgentOps SDK

Start using AgentOps in under 5 minutes

import openai # Make sure openai is imported before instantiating an AgentOps client.
import agentops

# Beginning of program's code (i.e.,
ao_client = agentops.Client(<INSERT YOUR API KEY HERE>)

# (optional: record specific functions)
@ao_client.record_action('sample function being record')
def sample_function(...):

# End of program
# Woohoo You're done 🎉